How can Holistic Hypnotherapy Help with Pain, Disease and Chronic Pain?
Hypnotherapy is a very effective tool when it comes to complimenting your journey to health, especially when you are challenged with cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease, chronic pain and more, due to it's ability to help you learn how to relax on a deep level as well as gain body wisdom and hear the messages your system is trying to tell you.
When we tap into our body wisdom we can learn exactly what our system needs and learn how to give it to ourselves. With Holistic Hypnotherapy you are guided to be able to connect into your own body, as though it had it's own voice to communicate with. You'll be given invaluable wisdom that is unique to you and your health journey. In these types of body wisdom sessions people have gained information about what foods their body wants, as well as what is causing more inflammation or reaction in the body. Other health information offered by our subconscious or deeper self, can be about old trauma that is in need of healing and can be keeping us sick.
Often trauma is still negatively impacting us and keeping our system out of balance, even though our conscious mind might tell us that it's not the cause. Often we tell ourselves that because an incident or painful time was so long ago, so therefore we should be 'over it'. However, our subconscious mind finds time irrelevant, and we can store the past just like it was yesterday.
Together in a Hypnotherapy session you'll be supported to get the the root cause of your illness in terms of the emotional and mental triggers. You'll be guided to discover and heal everything that we can on a mental and emotional level, which directly effects your physical health. We'll also be able to retrieve information from your subconscious mind that will give us insight into exactly what your unique body and situation needs to best heal, and you'll be able to remember everything that goes on in your session.
We'll also be able to discover and break repeating patterns from your life, so you'll be able to start on a new path of healing and health.
You'll usually leave each session feeling energised and more alive than you might have for a long time. Holistic Hypnotherapy works alongside any medical treatments you might be undertaking, and also can help alleviate negative symptoms of medication and medical treatments.
If you'd like help with your health please contact us to arrange a FREE 30 minute CONSULTATION, where we can discuss your unique situation and needs.
If you'd like to know more about how holistic hypnotherapy can help you, get in touch with us and we can discuss your situation with you.